Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 7: The Color Wheel

     The color wheel is used for more than just art you know? I supposed you could say coloring hair is an art? The color wheel is used to determine which colors to mix to make a neutral color. For example, If you are trying to get blond hair, and it is yellow, adding purple will make the yellow cancel out and the hair be blond. The two colors will make a neutral color such as a brown or blond. The colors across from each other on the color wheel is how you know which to mix to make your neutral. 

     Basics of the color wheel:  
     Primary colors; Red, Blue and Yellow. 
Secondary colors;   Orange,  Green and Violet. 
A Tertiary color is created by mixing a primary and a secondary color.  For Example, Yellow-Orange is created by mixing Yellow and Orange.
Complimentary colors work great for  trying to tone down unwanted tones and enhance wanted tones. For example, If you are trying to tone down the warmth that occurs in a color use a cool tone(green based). 
Hot Colors: Think of colors of the sun, Red, Orange, and Yellow  
Warm Colors: A color that contains one hot color becomes a warm colors. Example: Purple Red
Cold Colors: Think of snowy days, Green, Blue and Violet
Cool Colors: A color that contains one cold color becomes a cool color. Example: Blue Green
Standard Color Wheel

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