Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Day 44: High Lights/ Low Lights

     High Lights and Low Lights are an great way to spice up the same hair style. It adds more color and more dimension to your style! High Lights, are specifically streaks placed throughout the hair, thick or thin, of a lighter color then your base color.
Low Lights- are the same just of a darker color then your base color.
The most common are high lights of blonde on a darker hair color. Below are some pictures just to show what I am talking about.
highlightsThis is a heavy highlight with a base color of brown.

 Miley Cyrus with Caramel HighlightsThese are caramel highlights on a dark brown hair, these a light highlights because they are just a few throughout.

 Dark Brown Hair with Auburn Highlights To Red streaks in my hair and then itRed Low lights add a spice to what could have been a  boring do.

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